23 Jan Amazon Drive Shutting Down at the end of 2023
Are you currently storing any of your personal documents, photos, videos etc. in Amazon Drive?
If you answered yes, read below for important updates recently announced by Amazon.
Effective beginning January 31, 2023 you will no longer be able to upload any data into the Amazon Drive.
You will still have the ability to view and download any files previously uploaded until December 31, 2023.
How can I access my files after December 31st, 2023?
You will have access to your photos and videos through Amazon Photos. Those files will automatically be moved into Amazon Photos storage, but you will need to sign in to the Amazon Photos website separately from Amazon Drive or you can download and access via the App available for both Android and iOS.
DO NOT delete any of your photos and videos currently in Amazon Drive if you intend to use Amazon Photos. These services use the same cloud storage and Amazon will automatically migrate them for you. If you delete them it will purge them from Amazon’s servers entirely and will be deleted permanently.
What if I delete my files?
Any deleted files are available for restore for 30 days from the day of deletion. Directions on how to restore those files can be found here from Amazon support.
What if I have files other than pictures or videos?
If you currently have files other than pictures or videos in Amazon Drive, you will need to download those locally to your PC to store them or upload them to another cloud service. This needs to be completed prior to December 31st, 2023. After this date all files other than pictures and videos will be removed from Amazon’s servers.
NOTE: If you have more than 5 GB/1,000 files to download at one time it is recommend that you install the Amazon Drive app and download your files that way. The app can be downloaded here.
How can I see what date is currently in my Amazon Drive?
Login to your Amazon drive here to see what files you have currently stored.
Concerned about losing your data?
Contact Us prior to the December 31st, 2023 deadline and we would be happy to help you make sure that you have your data downloaded and saved for safe keeping. We can also assist with uploading to a new cloud service if you choose to do so.